Wine in a "Cube" Scores 87 with Wine Spectator

Does this wine 101er get her long-overdue justification for drinking wine out of a box over 25 years ago? Or is the current incarnation , the WS 87pt WINE CUBE AVAILABLE ONLY AT TARGET, (as it’s their brand) have something special to offer:

MaryAnn Worobiec’s Recommended California Sauvignon Blancs (Tasting Report, WS, Aug. 31, 2009) describes a wine, simply called WINE CUBE I kid you not, as: Bright and refreshing, with smooth mouthwatering Key lime, quince, pepper and passion fruit flavors on a light body.

I don’t usually run out to buy WS 87 pt. wines. But this one caught my eye as the price of had a little notation underneath that did: 3L.
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Three liters of Sauvignon Blanc for $17!

Again, it only scored an 87, above at least 4 more recommendations that rounded off the list.

I’m thinking fast now. I didn’t know squat about wine then. I am slightly more squat-less now. But hear me out. Didn’t know about wines needing to be fresh then, now I know that opening a wine introduces oxygen and breaks down my living breathing thing.

My wine in a cube, with the deflating bag inside, would prevent air from entering.
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So now I’m at trying to find, buy and taste for myself. If you have found/tasted this cube, or a really really really good box on your own let me know. Wine snobs, turn away, this is a wine 101 party.

2 thoughts on “Wine in a "Cube" Scores 87 with Wine Spectator

  1. Risque Sommelier wants to know if the box takes away the romance that a corked bottle provides?

  2. Risque,
    So nice to see you here! There is NO romance with a cube or box. On a hot night, when the husband wants his single malt Scotch and I don't, this worked. I can't finish an entire bottle by myself! And, it's kind of…dare I say it…cute!

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