No wHine Sunday

The strangest thing happened to me.  I skipped a day of wine, or any kind of alcohol, without planning or thought.  And, the next day, when I realized it I tried to recall why.

A friend had to cancel lunch at the last minute.  Double E had pink eye, or some such inconvenience, so our brunch at Salt Creek, where drinking would have definitely taken place, couldn’t be resurrected by another pal that late in the day.

My family (and yes I have one that I don’t write about in my wine-ish tales) had already planned their day so I was…left to my own devices from noon until dinner.

I blogged and facebooked.  Then, at the last minute, I ran out to the video store to rent Julie and Julia.  A film I expected to be filled with French wine.  Instead of Chateauneuf du pape, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne or Cotes de Rhone I was assaulted by butter and lobster and things I don’t like to do: cook.  But the film was very enjoyable, even though it failed to drive me to my cellar.

My blog post that night, that ran last Tuesday, was about my involvement more as an editor than a blogger on this site.  I was very much involved in the process of writing, like much-needed therapy, of where I was going in the blog-o-sphere future.

And still nothing to drink.  I’m afraid I might’ve even…gasp…missed dinner.

Those of you that know me personally know I share a bottle of wine nightly with my husband.  Sometimes we have a martini, single malt Scotch, or go to an event where more wine is readily available.  It’s a habit long in the making.

So, how is it possible I missed an entire night?  And, though I strive to only drink 5 nights a week anyway, how can I make it this easy the next time?  How do you do it?  Or, dare I say, do you try?

2 thoughts on “No wHine Sunday

  1. We saw that film last night too! We enjoyed it, though Diane (my wife) was not pleased about the phone/Julia scene.

    (…and I did have a nice glass or two of Shiraz during the film)

    mike h.

  2. It's based on a true story, and with Julia Child being 90 at the time, thrust into the blogsphere, I guess she had a right to disapprove. I think Julia should've drank more. In the film and at 90.

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