"Ridiculous SkyMall Products" sent by reader Carol Winkler

Nothing I love better, when I have writer’s block and/or feel lazy, than getting your e-mails with winey articles and news.  Saves me the time and trouble coming up with my own ideas and, proves I do have a reader or two out there…that take the time to read the blog but never comment.


Anyway. Gal pal Carol sent this to me: The Most Ridiculous SkyMall Products EVER and, even though the idea of purchasing (shopping is always understandable) some silly thing I saw in a wrinkled germ-laden airplane magazine unfreakingbelievable – the article about the unfreakingbelievable item irritated me more.

Out of 30 senseless items they chose to highlight they picked on my wine glass holder necklace.  (Well not mine that’s picured here but their non-personalized version.)  I love mine, people always ask where I got it (Sue Tatosian, find on Facebook.) and like to see how well it works when I’m at a big tasting.  I have to hold pen and paper; you may just be contending with a tray and fork.  A cup holder necklace is the perfect accessory!

They said it “looked ridiculous” and was “overpriced”.  Like air travel isn’t.

Anyway, being a defender of all things wine, I’m taking SkyMall on.  Obviously this fake magazine with it’s “subscribers” only captors on a delayed flight, have never meandered over green lawns shaking hands with other human beings at a wine event.  They don’t have wine events on planes…and I think they need to.

If the pilot is allowed to drink wine, a wine necklace would be in order so that he can keep hands free to do his piloty things.  If there were to be a “Tasting in the Sky”, having your handsfree when that sudden burst of turbulence strikes, will be ab-so-lutely necessary.

I remember the days of getting the earphones on a plane free, having to pay, having them free, bringing your own, having them…whatever.  I pay if I need an earphone and I’d pay for any gadgetry they sell me – if I’m stuck off the ground with them.

Can you imagine it, “Ladies and gentleman, welcome aboard airbus 7555888512 to God-knows-we-don’t-care as we won’t be putting down the landing gear until your wine glass is back in its upright position.  Now, enjoy your tasting and make room for a new kind of beveridge cart blocking your aisle.”

SkyMall FlyMall.  I got your ridiculous overpriced number.

2 thoughts on “"Ridiculous SkyMall Products" sent by reader Carol Winkler

  1. They are hand made, it takes time, and when making personalized logo that even takes more time. So yes they may be priced high but I don't work for peanuts. If you want to order on anyway, go to my web site, many regular styles to choose from. wwwhandcraftedbySueT.com

  2. Sue T! Thanks for commenting so readers can find you! I've never had a spill since I started sporting your design!

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