Thrilled at the news: The SCV Wine Classic will be on again, on June 4, 2011. But, in the meantime, the Youth Orchestra needs your help this year,
We’re all upset that we were unable to hold the SCV Wine Classic this year. The Youth Orchestra Foundation is really hurting, financially, as the Wine Classic is their principal fundraiser.
Anyone willing to help support it can find the details, with appreciation, on the Wine Classic website, Tax-deductible donations are gratefully accepted.
Thank you,
Jeff Jacobson
Wine Chair, SCV Wine Classic
(Save the date for next year: 6/4/2011!)
And, in case you missed it, this was my story in the West Ranch Beacon earlier this year:
Eve Bushman reports with great disappointment that JeffJacobson, wine chair for the SCV Wine Classic, has announced that theClassic will be on hiatus for 2010 because the Cal Arts venue becameunavailable and they “have been simply unable to find another dateconvenient to all the key participants that also does not conflict withother community events.”
“The Classic has become such a wonderful event,supported in grand fashion by our community…and a very importantfundraiser for the SCV Youth Orchestra Foundation, which supportsinstrumental music education and performance in the Santa ClaritaValley.”
Because the event is the main fundraiser for the SCV Youth Orchestra Foundation, they will be struggling for funding.
From Eve
Not unlike the Loose Goose Wine Festival (sadlymissed), Valencia Wine Company’s Holiday Tasting and All Corked Up’sFest – the SCV Wine Classic is one of those events that put SantaClarita Valley on the “wine map” for tourism in my book. But theClassic IS the first and hasn’t missed a year in about 20. That wasone thing that made it The Classic.
The other things include the guests, Jeff’s personalcontacts that shared wines from their own cellars, our local winestores, our local winemakers, the wine reps from near and far,restaurants, caterers, auction, and, the grandeur.
Feel free to comment, or e-mail me your thoughts on this horrendous loss to ourwine community. I also strongly encourage you to visit the YouthOrchestra page and make a donation:
Sadly yours, in wine and out,