Chef Eve 101 Makes: Williams Sonoma Ginger-Sesame Chicken

Egads, when I started posting recipes on Wednesdays I had just left my job and began working from home.

With lots of time on my hands I cooked, cleaned and even washed cars…

until “I dedicated myself full-time to wine,” as my brother put it.  With writing, consulting and planning events it has now become a full time gig!  So, if you are a working gal, this recipe will work for you, if not, email me, I could use a chef or food writer that wants some exposure:

So, without further adieu, I pulled a braising sauce from my cabinet and made this Ginger-Sesame Chicken, with rice and an Asian salad.  It was a bit too tangy and strong, even with the 2010 Tobin James 5 Bordeaux Blend I had it with.  Not my fave of the braising sauces so far, but if you are a fan of soy sauce, this is for you:

photo 1photo 2sesame chicken dinner