Wine Block…suffered by Eve

In keeping this blog strictly for the beginner, I sometimes wonder if reader’s think that I’ve strayed too far from what other wine bloggers are doing: Reviewing wine.  My posts have always been written as if I’m talking to a friend, whether it’s a friend that lives here in my Santa Clarita neighborhood or a…

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Chicha by Rusty Sly

Some years ago a colleague of mine was telling me about his vacation to Peru.  He is a climber and enjoys going to desolate hard to reach areas.  Since he knows I have a passion for beer he proceeded to tell me about a drink that he had while there called Chicha.  As he was…

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Sunday’s Wine Recipe: Eddie makes Shrimp Creole

Butter (1/4 cup)Celery (1 bunch chopped)Onions (2 chopped)Garlic (about 4 toes)Green peppers (3 chopped)Tomatoes (1 can)Salt (to taste)Pepper (white for smell, red for the burn & black for the taste.)Paprika (to taste)Bay leaves (1-2)Shrimp (1 ½ pounds)White or Red wine – chef’s preference Sauté onions, peppers, celery in butter. Add tomatoes, salt, pepper, paprika, bay…

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