From Diamond Place to The Embassy…I like all of these:
Diamond Place Festival:David Schutz of All Corked Up calls it, “Our version of a block party, here youhave a Business Park Party! We are going to offer $2 tastings, yes, youheard that right, $2 tastings and a great sale. DiMaggio Washington willbe having cooking demonstrations and three people will have a chance to wine anAcura TL! Food, fun for the wholefamily. What else could you ask for in a Business Park Party!” OnNovember 6 from 1-5 PM at 26370 Diamond Place in Santa Clarita.
Sunset in the VineyardNovember 7, 3-6pm, tickets: the wine culture of the Santa Clarita Valley with an afternoon ofwine tasting with local vintners and growers in the private picturesque CompaVineyard in Newhall. Come enjoymusic, wine, locally made beer, and custom made cheeses. Assistance League isproud to offer a menu created, prepared, and designed to complement the winesand beers by Assistance League’s own culinary team of volunteers.
Valencia Wine Company 6th Annual Holiday WineTasting will be from 1-5 pm on November14. Held at the TPC Valencia Oaks Grille. No less than one hundred wines – fromwine regions all over the globe – wait to please your palate. Paired with wine representatives, andwinemakers, there for the sole purpose of answering your questions about theirwines. Not just servers; buteducators as well. The onlydifference between this and an event held for the media and wine trade is thatit is not a “self-pour” format – but generous just the same. It’s private, exclusive, professionallydone, and educational. No tickets for tastes. Purchase wines at event for theholidays, quantity discounts. Groupdiscount for 10 or more people 10%. 661-254-9300.
The Cellar and All Corked Up Present a Special RiedelWine Glass Tasting Taste and enjoy fourdifferent wines and experience for yourself the difference proper glasswaremakes in a 90 minute informative and fun tasting with Tammie Ward, Region SalesManager for Riedel. Guests willtake home a set of four Riedel “O” series glasses complementary with$50 class fee. Wednesday, November17, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM. RSVP 661-799-7979 ext 1
WSET Wine Certification with DiMaggio Washington at TheCellar 8 hours on both Sundays November 14and 21. What in the heck is WSET? I asked DiMaggio: “Hello to all interestedin the WSET wine program. There are several internationally known institutionsproviding serious wine course programs. The Court of Masters, the ISG and theWSET (Wine Spirit Education and Trust) out of London. These programs provide anavenue to become a Sommelier. There are various Sommelier levels. A Sommelier,a Certified Sommelier, an Advanced Sommelier and aMaster Sommelier and there is also a Master of Wine. I’m offering anIntermediate Level for the WSET, this is a 16-hour program with a recommended (32hours home study) and a 1-hour exam. You will also taste through 48 wines from12 countries of Regions. At some point you may choose to apply for taking theCertified Sommelier Exam (hosted by the Court of Masters) or continue with youreducation for the Advance level and Master Level. I hope this is of some helpto all interested.” Contact:
Vino 100 Valencia Meet the Winemaker: The Other Guys. Join in for Hey Mambo Swanky White, White KnightViognier, Moobuzz Pinot Noir…just to name a few. Meet the wineryrepresentative and learn more about “The Other Guys” on Friday, Nov 19, 6-9pm – . $15/person;Reservations encouraged. Eventsheld at Vino 100, 28112 Newhall Ranch Road, Valencia, 294-6886,
SCV Wine Fest: Dr. Joel Fisher, who has orchestrated the LA Wine Fest the past 6 years, is bringing the first SCV Wine Fest to us on Saturday February 12 at The Embassy (Suites). Go to to see a sampling of things to come.