There should be quite a bit of motivation for this one. Most of our local wine events benefit our own local charities, and are attended by many Santa Clarita dignitaries as well as you and me. We should all want to present ourselves in the best light.
So how to do it? And still get your money’s worth?
With a little sense and, class.
Here are some hints: Share your tastes. If you are with your spouse, and you each have your own glass, ask the wine representative (rep) to pour one taste in one glass and another wine in the other. Not only would you have the benefit of comparison, you cut your drinking by half.
A second hint it to be wasteful. You’ve got your 1-3 ounce pour and you swirl to open it up a little, sniff to become aware of the aromas and then finally taste. You don’t shoot the glass, you just taste. And unless the wine is blow your top exceptional, you pour out, or expectorate deep into the pour out bucket that should be close at hand. (Splatter is not attractive.)
Have one glass of water for every glass of wine, or, carry a water bottle. If not available, order it. Stop drinking a full hour (or two if you are driving) before the event ends. I’m usually so wound at the beginning of an event that I tend to peter out, so this works perfectly for me.
Finally, getting your money’s worth doesn’t mean getting drunk. At a wine tasting you are there to taste and learn about wines you may want to purchase in the future. Lest you forget, bring a pad and pen for notes, the juggling alone will keep you sober. Good luck remembering what you learned and liked if you’re flat-faced and on-the-floor.
So since you don’t want to get caught making a faux pas I’ll give you just one more parting reason not to get inebriated at events: Our wonderful Sheriffs, and Eve, are watching you.