500+ Wineries Add Augmented Reality to Labels en Masse

GEELONG WEST, Australia /PRNewswire/ — Augmented reality and artificial intelligence are propelling more than 500 wineries across the globe into futuristic marketing that cleverly connects wine-labels with millennial wine-lovers.buy cialis oral jelly online https://alvitacare.com/wp-content/themes/twentytwentyone/classes/new/cialis-oral-jelly.html no prescription Winerytale is a groundbreaking app and platform that lets every winery and wine producer create, manage and market an augmented…

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The World of Fine Wine in association with Gaggenau, announces the 2019 World’s Best Wine Lists Awards winners

London – the World’s Best Wine Lists in association with Gaggenau have been announced, with Restaurant Mosaic at The Orient, receiving the honor of Wine List of the Year, Best Hotel Wine List in the World, and Champions’ League World’s Best By-the-Glass Wine List 2019. The World’s Best Wine Lists celebrated its sixth anniversary with…

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Surprises At Our Local Bev Mo

Whenever someone messages me looking for wine of course I suggest our local wine bars and stores as we all support locally owned businesses. However, if they are looking for a larger selection then they simply must go to BevMo. online pharmacy zovirax no prescription pharmacy There really isn’t any other option for us locals….

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