Mark: Sometimes the words flow, and other days I just sit in front of the PC for an hour, and literally, nothing. So it’s more a case of the muse descending 🙂
Diane: My challenge – finding wines I like in the price point I want to afford (note, I said “want” rather than “can,” two very differing notions)
Susie: My current wine challenge is to find a good wine inventory program that I can access when away from home. Any of you experts know of a good one that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg?
Beverly: Getting a new address book to put in all my wineries that I want to visit from Temecula to Napa/Sonoma. I just joined GlenLyon wine club and am drinking a glass of their 2008 Chardonnay. Then today I ordered some wine from Cartlidge & Browne Winery (found by Hoot n’ Annie blog/video) that shipment will be shipped this Monday so here I am unemployed and ordering all this wine, go figure.
Dana: Finding enough time to drink all the wines I love! Cheers!
Cathy: Deciding which bottle to pull from the cellar – so many great choices so little days in the week in which to indulge!
Challenged? no.I love finding wines(reds)under $9 that excite my palate. It's a question of taste and budget.
Eve to wear more form fitting black dresses handling various wines…how's that for a challenge?
Oh, that Michael! I was freaking thinking my brother or staffer Perlis wrote this!
All Corked Up is having a sale, World Market, Trader Joe's, Bev Mo…
Thanks for reading and commenting Mike!