“Raise a Glass for Chile” Initiative from Alex Guarachi, TGIC founder

Local wine friend, and TGIC wine importer, Jeffrey Levine, handed me a flier today at Vine 2 Wine regarding this Chilean effort.  I’ve met Alex when he, and Jeff’s wife Chef Tamra Levine, did a phenomenal – and first time for Santa Clarita – Chilean wine pairing dinner at Salt Creek Grille Valencia.  I found him to be extremely warm and passionate about his wine and his Chilean home.  I hope you take up his efforts to help his friends and family, and, I believe the wines are more than worth it.

Chile is not only the land of my ancestry, but it is where my siblings, business partners, and dearest friends currently reside. When a devastating 8.8 earthquake hit my homeland, it was with pain that I viewed the images of the disaster. To say that this quake personally affected me is an understatement. After days of trying to contact my loved ones amidst power and phone line outages, I was relieved to find out that everyone who I knew in Chile was safe. I am very grateful for this and wish to give back to those less fortunate than I was: those Chileans who lost their homes to this disaster. 

On Friday, March 19th, I presented Music for Relief with a donation of $50,000 on behalf of TGIC Importers. Music for Relief has a working partnership with Habitat for Humanity on programs for immediate disaster aid. With an already existing office in Santiago, Habitat for Humanity mobilized quickly after the February 27th quake and continues to help by cleaning debris and providing housing solutions. Through Music for Relief, TGIC was able to give with the assurance that 100% of our donation would go to rebuild Chile without any percentage going to nonprofit, administrative fees. 
Though it has been weeks since the world first learned of this disaster, our team at TGIC Importers has not forgotten the people of Chile. We have created a new program that will match our initial donation through the wine fundraising of our Chilean brands. 

About Our Initiative:

For every bottle of Montes and Santa Ema sold during the months of March, April, and May, TGIC hopes to raise another $50,000 to assist Chile in rebuilding.

Our Invitation to You:

Our newest program invites you to participate in the cause for Chile. With over two million people displaced, the need is dire, but the way to help is simple. Buy award-winning Montes and Santa Ema to make a difference. Help TGIC and I reach our goal of a total donation of $100,000 to help the Chilean people in their time of need. When making a toast this springtime, raise your glass a little higher with Montes and Santa Ema!

Alex Guarachi founded TGIC in order to introduce the American market to the exotic flavors of his heritage: South American and New World wine.