Most reader’s of this blog know that I’m a huge fan of Willi’s Wine Bar in Paris. (Use the handy search button on the upper left of this blog to find past posts.) But, come to find (once I was accepted on their Facebook fan page) that they have a blog on their website too.
The first post I read was, unfortunately for us ugly Americans, about the influx of the American food in Paris. And, more importantly for moi, kicking out the American custom of using Doggy Bags.
I have to agree with this wholeheartedly. I recently had an opportunity to get into the bar of the new Restaurant Du Jour, Lazy Dog Cafe, with my friend Dana.
While I perused the wine by the glass selections and Dana checked out the dark beers, I met one of the owners that was also eating at the bar. He explained all about their meat preparation (We both ordered salads after that for some reason.) and went on to explain that their portions were more than we’d probably be able to finish.
Fine. Fine. Fine. I’m used to eating half my plate of food in an American restaurant. I’m also used to having to negotiate a sandwich that needs a few layers removed before I can wedge it into my corresponding pie hole. But, what I can’t get over is, why every single friggin’ time I get a Doggy Bag I forget it at the table. (Thanks for reminding me Dana!)
Is this because I’m just plain stupid? After reading the Willi blog I felt redeemed. That, as a stalwart fan of all things French, I am just subconsciously scoffing of the idea of leftovers.
My doggy ain’t gonna know the difference.
And I leave you with one Doggy Bag that I can use. Though not at Willi’s where I lap up every drop of wine they pour into my glass. It’s Paris! There may be dogs in the outdoor cafes, but none shall be waiting at home for me – or my bag!
Eve, merci ! I know that expressing myself on sacred customs is a bit like driving without another kind of bag, but when this tidal wave of fat hits our 'prime rib' populations – Americans are not alone ici – we will all feel the warped demographic pinch. Now that belting up has become popular, we should waste no time in imitating these economy saving measures in our nutritional habits.
Well said Mark…now just to get up from writing every now and then would help. But then again, one must have wine when one isn't working! Food, yes, let's just give that to the dogs.