So, back to reality. Nothing to wear of course. Hair will not cooperate and I haven’t even tried yet. Manicure? Pedicure? Why-a-cure? I yam what I yam. In the immortal words of Sponge Bob to that snail that professes to take over the world, “Well…good luck with that.”
So, tonight we have the Classic wine shindig of the year, where I’m bound to run into dozens of fellow wine aficionados and 101ers…and I’m freaking out a little.
Will I knock over my wine-filled glass like I did at Vine 2 Wine a couple of years ago? Not because I was snockered but because I’m a klutz? (And bringing my klutzy second-time-he-broke-the-same-shoulder husband?)
Will I forget someone’s name, misquote a wine rep, pour/spit out too much in comparison to non-wine-writing guests? Yep times three.
This is the deal. In sprinting to the library table I may miss the wines from…China. In my quest to find my fave Lima Limon food I may miss…some ice cream. While I try and flag down Marlee with my paper cocktail napkin I may miss…or splatter…you.
So please, flag me down. Tell me your name slowly and clearly, wait for me to retrieve my pad and pen, and hold my friggin’ wine glass for just a minute while I work my craft. Save your really good quotes until you find me.
And the full story? You know, the one that lists all of the volunteers, wines, food and what I might get at the auction? In the West Ranch Beacon blog next Friday! In the meantime I’m at least now hoping for a reserve Sterling Cab to go with the outstanding photos on your left that Chris C. just sent in! Just the thing to calm my un-wined-frayed nerves.
I can’t believe that we somehow missed you. We were there from start to a little after 9. I checked your site to see if you posted that you wouldn’t be there for some reason. Maybe you, Tina and I can meet at ACU sometime for lunch?
Michael! I met people I didn’t expect to see, like Laura from Yelp, and figured you’d find me! Amazing! I was there from 7-10. I will write a post-Classic-post today I hope. Still recovering…you?
Doing fine today. Actually woke up early and went over to Thelma's for breakfast.
Sorry I missed you last evening. I guess I should have just looked for the most popular person in the room!
I guess that means you read today's post too…yes I was as popular as I wanted to be!
Thelma's? Is that a restaurant or a friend I need to know about?
Thelma's Morning Cafe
22876 Copperhill Dr
Santa Clarita, CA 91354
(661) 263-8283
I couldn't find a website.
My husband thought Thelma's had a table at the Wine Classic last night and I checked my notes for this week's column and…they were! We didn't get to have any of their food, but I gather you like it, so we will have to get over there. Thanks!