Carrie DuShey’s Brown butter and Mizithra cheese pasta

Hi Eve!

This dish is super easy! Enjoy!

1 pound spaghetti
1 cup butter
3/4 pound Mizithra cheese

Cook pasta in large pot of salted, boiling water until al dente. Drain.
When pasta is almost done, start slowly melting butter over medium heat until golden. Skim butter solids off top. Toss pasta with butter. Sprinkle with cheese to taste.
(This is an interpretation of the pasta dish served at the Old Spaghetti factory.)


I ask to explain Mizithra here:

Ok.  It’s a fact.  You are a giver.  What in the h e double hockey sticks is Mizithra cheese?  AND, can we add wine or vodka to this for my blog?

Two-Rob-Roys and ready for bed,

Carrie explains: 

I just don’t want to get fat alone ; )

Mizithra cheese is made from the whey from feta and kefalotiri cheeses, combined with sheep’s or goat’s milk. The Mizithra used in the recipe is aged, but there is also a fresh version. This cheese can go sweet or savory with honey and fruit as a dessert, or as a dish with olives, basil, and tomatoes. Mizithra cheese is also good as a topping on salads and pastas. I drank prosecco with the pasta and it was an awesome pairing.

Nighty night!
