It takes a lot for me to want to go to Beverly Hills for a mid-week mid-day wine tasting, going beyond my comfort zone of armchair wine writing, and brave LA traffic. But handsome Ian Blackburn, founder of , tempted me.
The venue, Beverly Hills Peninsula Hotel, was a beautiful frame for the centerpiece: wineries from all over Paso Robles were bringing their wines to us. And, by the end of the tasting, Beverly Hills and Paso Robles didn’t seem quite so far away.
I started my tour alphabetically…and with a list from errant wine writer Michael Perlis, unhappily detained at his pesky day job and missing the event. If you are a GSM (Grenache/Syrah/Mourvedre) or blend fan like I am you would have been more than thrilled. Love it when a winemaker can have a little freedom! I have, in my usual rush to drink style synopsized what I had tasted and liked:
Anglim Winery Best Barrel Blend 2006 and Zinfandel, St Peter of Alcanara Vineyard, 2007. 805-277-6813.
August Ridge Jovial, “Super Tuscan” style blend, Estate, 2006. 805-239-2455.
Calcareous “Tres Violet”, Syrah/Grenache/Mourvedre, 3007. 805-239-0289.
Caliza I liked their entire lineup: “Kissin Cousins”, Viognier/Grenache Blanc/Roussane, 2008. “Azimuth”, Syrah/Grenache/Mourvedre/Alicante Bouschet/Tannat, 2006. “Companion”, Cabernet Sauvignon/Syrah/Mourvedre/Tannat Paso Robles, 2006. Syrah, 2007. 805-237-1480.
Cerro Prieto Bordeaux Rhone blend, Cerro Prieto Vineyard, 2006 and Merlot, Cerro Prieto Vineyard 2007. 805-226-8446.
Four Vines “Biker”, Zinfandel, 2008 and “Monarchy”, Petite Verdot/Malbec/Tempranillo, 2007. 805-237-0055.
Minassian -Young had their winemakers there to guide me through Mourvedre/Syrah, 2007. GSMV, Grenache/Mourvedre/Syrah/Viognier, 2007. “Black Saint Peter”, Zin/Mourvedre/Petite Sirah/Carignan/Viognier, 2007. 805-238-7571.
Silver Horse “Tomori” Cabernet Sauvignon/Syrah, 2008. 805-467-9463.
Stacked Stone “Gem”, Syrah/Mourvedre/Grenache, 2007 and “Zin Stone”. Zinfandel/Syrah Estate, 2007. 805-238-7872.
Terry Hoage Vineyards “The 46” Grenache/Syrah Estate 2007. 805-238-2083.
Venteux Vineyards Petite Syrah/Mourvedre/Syrah 2007. “Tache La Verre” Syrah, Santa Barbara, 2007. Estate Petite Syrah, 2007. 805-369-0127.
Villa Creek Cellars Grenache, Denner Vineyard, 2008. “Willow Creek Cuvee”, Grenache/Mourvedre/Syrah, 2008. “Avenger”, Syrah/Mourvedre/Grenache, 2007. 805-238-7145.
Wines I’ve had at recent tastings, liked, but didn’t taste at this tasting due to time: Eberle Winery 805-238-9607. L’Adventure I had liked at Dr. Joel Fisher’s LA Wine Fest, 805-735-2030. Ecluse Wines 805-238-4998. Hug Cellars 805-226-8022. Roxo Port Cellars 805-464-0922.
“It’s a great idea to discuss purchasing wine directly from the vineyards via US mail, as many have no distribution and/or make very small quantities of their special wines.” Ian Blackburn. I say click on the link at the top for more of Ian’s events, and be sure and click on some of the winery links I spend hours typing in – and testing – for you!
This was a huge investment of your time and you did a great job – a service to the wineries that participated and to LearnAboutWine – we all thank you for a job well done!
This was a huge investment of your time and you did a great job – a service to the wineries that participated and to LearnAboutWine – we all thank you for a job well done!
I enjoyed the event – we just have to get Ian to do one closer to Santa Clarita!
And here's a scoop: Michael Perlis's report on the event runs tomorrow on my blog. It's a little off though…