“Last night, in my dream dining room we…”
Wait, I can’t really say that as I don’t own my dream dining room yet. Eddie and I bought a Chinese-ish looking redwood-colored table and chairs (complete with birds carved into the backs and red satin covers) back when our home was decorated with Kimonos and Go tables. Yep, we were that young. It’s been 25 years with the same table, and same husband, but I’m keeping the latter. For now.
So it’s time for the dream table and time for you to tell me which one(s?) to choose:

This one appeals to the “Retro” girl in me. Yet, I see it in a very modern kitchen, one with or without kids, milkshakes or blended cocktails, both topped with whipped cream.
This one appeals for the obvious reason, every wine writer should have a tall table with bar stools. I’d just never saw one as a dining set before. I think this could work in my dining room, kitchen or “game room”…
I like the modern, clean lines of this. Good for dining (clean up is just a breeze of my sponge) and for a true blind wine tasting – where nothing, or no one, can be lurking hidden under the table.
And this one, with it’s classy top and comfy chairs is the dreamiest, to me, so far. I could do a lot…in my dreams…in this dining room. Could you?
(In the future I will be reviewing an item from this site, look for that next! And, if it’s sent to me for FREE I will disclose that, per FTC rules.)