Blast from this blog’s past, circa 2009: Changes for Eve’s Wine 101

Dear Wine Friends,The sixth editor in my section of the newspaper this year has departed, and with that, changes were made that also affected my wine column. I was told by the new editor that the newspaper will now run only advertorial content in it’s wine column section.

In addition to this news, I had recently begun giving the SCV wine community more coverage by submitting columns to the West Ranch Beacon (You can search under “Bushman” to see them.)

I called Dave Bossert, the man at the helm of a site that is widely read in SCV and beyond, to seek his opinion of the next move for Eve’s Wine 101. His quotable response was more than welcoming.

“I am thrilled to have Eve Bushman write about events, wine and other topics as she sees fit.”

Being given the opportunity to reach more readers, more freedom in my writing and unlimited space to cover all that the SCV has to offer the wine community…Eve’s Wine 101 is now happily housed within the West Ranch Beacon blog. And you can still read my own blog that includes SCV’s only Wine Calendar:

So now you know where to look for me, still on Fridays for your weekly entertainment in the Beacon and any day on my blog.

I welcome your responses, suggestions and continued support.

Still yours, in wine and out,