The Barrymore
We really enjoy our trips to Las Vegas. And one of the things we love is that there are so many incredible wining and dining options there.
That being said, except for occasional exceptions, we’re not really into that whole celebrity chef thing on the Strip. We much prefer finding restaurants a little off the beaten path that provide great [and a little more personal] experiences.
We found one during our last trip – The Barrymore.

Located on Convention Center Drive just East of Las Vegas Boulevard, in a hotel that one might not expect to hold an exceptional fine dining establishment, The Barrymore provides a return to old Las Vegas in its clubby atmosphere, yet with a thoroughly modern menu and great wine list to accompany it. [Not that there is anything wrong with the hotel; it just isn’t one of the major players located on the Strip.]
For an appetizer, I couldn’t pass up the Pan Seared Foie Gras [darn the California Food Police] and followed it up with the Muscovy Duck Confit. Karen, ever the healthy eater, had the Roasted Heirloom Beets and then the Mediterranean Sea Bass. All were excellent. Karen also ordered a side of Broccolini, which ordinarily is possibly my least favorite vegetable. I loved it and ate more of it than she did. And the Tiramisu was not only excellent but had a great presentation as well.
Barrymore Sommelier David Ferreria has put together a great wine list. In a town not really known for wine bargains at restaurants, David has put together a great list of 50 wines under , including such names as Bastianich, Murphy-Goode, Van Duzer, Klinker Brick, Qupe, etc.
There is a “Captain’s List” of higher end bottles as well. David’s a young guy [late 20s] with a real passion for wine and a realization that in a town such as Las Vegas sommeliers are pretty common. So, he is working hard on adding to his professional designations, as well as adding even more interesting wines to the Barrymore wine list.
Corkage is a reasonable [for Las Vegas] $35.
So, next time you’re in Vegas and want to try something unique and off the Strip, give The Barrymore a try.
The Barrymore
99 Convention Center Drive
Las Vegas NV
Michael Perlis has been pursuing his passion for wine for more than 25 years. He has had the good fortune of having numerous mentors to show him the way, as well as a wonderful wife who puts up with him. After a couple of decades of learning about wine, attending events, visiting tasting rooms and tasting as much wine as he possibly could, Michael had the amazing good fortune to meet Eve Bushman. Now, as Contributing Editor for Eve’s Wine 101, he does his best to bring as much information as possible about wine to Eve’s Wine 101 faithful readers. At the same time, in his day job he provides outsourced controller services to companies that do not need a full-time controller. One day, he hopes to be able to combine these two pursuits. Feel free to contact him about either at or (2013 Update: Eve and Michael announced Eve Wine 101 Consulting. Info is here: