SAN FRANCISCO, CA – This January, Slow Food International and Slow Wine Editore will release the latest English-language edition of Slow Wine, the renowned annual guide to over 400 of Italy’s best wineries, during the 2017 Slow Wine US Tour. The co-sponsors of this year’s tour are the town of Montecatini in Tuscany, internationally renowned for its world-class spas, and logistics solutions experts Bcubed.
This year, in support of open borders in Europe, Slow Wine is expanding theirs for the first time ever to Slovenia: Brda winery in Collio and Kras in Carso will be reviewed using the same “Slow” philosophy that is at the core of the guide. The 2017 edition will also include a list of 100 Drink Slow restaurants in Italy that share Slow Wine’s values. The Slow Wine guide publisher, Slow Wine Editore, and a delegation of its top wineries will hold tasting events for press and trade during their annual multi-city US tour, stopping in San Francisco, Austin and New York City, as well as Seattle for the first time ever.
“We know how important Seattle has become in the US market and are very excited to be there and meet the most important wine influencers in the area.” Olivia Reviglio, Slow Wine
Slow Wine recognizes that the wineries they review not only put their hearts and souls into the wines they produce, but also into the land on which it is made. The guide uses the following symbols to evaluate each winery:
- The Snail, the Slow Food symbol, signals a cellar that has distinguished itself through its interpretation of sensorial, territorial, environmental and personal values in harmony with the Slow Food philosophy. Only wineries that are herbicide free can receive the Snail.
- The Bottle, allocated to cellars that show a consistently high quality throughout their range of wines.
- The Coin, an indicator of great value.
Slow Wine featured wines represent outstanding quality, expressing the history and identity of the land from which they come in each sip. The dates and locations of the 2017 Slow Wine US Tour are:
January 24th, San Francisco: Terra Gallery
January 26th, Seattle: Seattle Center – Fisher Pavilion
January 30th, Austin: Fair Market
February 1st, New York: Eataly NYC Downtown
About Slow Wine: The Slow Wine Guide, published by Slow Food Editore (the publishing arm of Slow Food Italy**), adopts a new approach to wine criticism and looks at a variety of factors to evaluate wineries in their entirety. They take into consideration wine quality, history and adherence to terroir, value, environmental sensitivity and ecologically sustainable methods of practice. Slow Wine was conceived to give a realistic snapshot of the current Italian wine landscape. The guide features reviews of 400 different wineries, each one visited by Slow Food experts. It is available for purchase on as well as in select bookstores.
**Slow Food International is a global grassroots organization that envisions a world in which all people can access and enjoy food that is good for them, good for those who grow it and good for the planet. A non-profit member-supported association, Slow Food was founded in Italy in 1989 to counter the rise of fast food and fast life and the disappearance of local food traditions, and to encourage people to be aware about the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world.