WSET Journey: No More Updates – Until I PASS THE TEST

Yes, that’s the real title of the post.  I’ve had DiMaggio Washington’s classes before.  I know he doesn’t like us to drink the tastes, I know that I need to expectorate, I know that he knows that I will be extremely irritated at being told what to do.  I comply…until the final hour.

Anyway, for those coming late to the tasting table:  I’ve been writing about my journey taking classes and studying to prepare myself for the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) Level 2 exam. 

The last couple of blog posts were about reading the materials and meeting with my study group.  By the time this post runs I will have completed all of the lecture time and will just be cramming.  Hence the writing ahead now.

So, finally, to the wines:

Nope, not going to list them.  That would be cruel.  Like expecting you to expectorate without even tasting.  I will tell you how we handled it so you know what to expect as…I expect you to take the class too. 
With 2-4 of us at a table DiMaggio prompted each person to either describe the wine’s Appearance, Nose, Palate and then come to a Conclusion.  
We each had study books to enter the information gathered as well as handy wine-proof cards with descriptors.  By repeating this technique 23 times (for 23 wines) we became more adept at our judgement as they day progressed.
Under each category were prompts that are the typical descriptors.  I could no longer used phrases like “My mom’s hair” to describe a wine’s aroma because the general public, save my unfortunate siblings, would actually have to understand what I am trying to impart.

It was a really cool way to learn the correct way of not missing a thing in a tasting.  And, to break up the day, in between tastes DiMaggio led us through a lecture. (Though his blueberry-scented dry erase markers, that his staff picked up for him that day, did through us off.)

By 5pm I had expectorated enough.  I know he promised to let us have whatever was left in the bottles we tasted, I know that I could get mine before anyone else could get theirs, but he knew that I knew that he knew…I had to start drinking or I would kill somebody.

So, I leave you with what I did taste drink: Tobin James 07 Ballistic Zinfandel, Chanson Gerrey Chambertin 03 Pinot Noir, Chateau Coutet 06 Bordeaux (Merlot/Cab Franc & Malbec blend), Molly Dooker 08 The Maitre D’ Cabernet, and whatever else I could get my hands on.

So, do you think I’ll pass the test?
What in the heck is WSET? I asked DiMaggio: “Hello to allinterested in the WSET wine program. There are several internationally knowninstitutions providing serious wine course programs. The Court of Masters, theISG and the WSET (Wine Spirit Education and Trust) out of London. Theseprograms provide an avenue to become a Sommelier. There are various Sommelierlevels. A Sommelier, a Certified Sommelier, anAdvanced Sommelier and a Master Sommelier and there is also a Master of Wine.I’m offering an Intermediate Level for the WSET, this is a 16 hour program witha recommended (32 hours home study) and a 1 hour exam. You will also tastethrough 48 wines from 12 countries of Regions. At some point you may choose toapply for taking the Certified Sommelier Exam (hosted by the Court of Masters)or continue with your education for the Advance level and Master Level. I hopethis is of some help to all interested.” Contact: